Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 7
CDC exposure guidelines to evaluate the risk of potential exposure. The current guidance is
included at the end of this document for reference, but should be verified on the CDC
website for any updates.
If the person is Low Risk without symptoms, they can stay at work and self-monitor
themselves for symptoms.
ii If the person is Medium Risk without symptoms, they must stay home for 14 days from
the last exposure, self-monitor for symptoms, contact their medical professional for
guidance, and not travel.
iii **Areas with Confirmed Community Transmission**: The CDC Risk Assessment
Guidance applies primarily to locations that are NOT experiencing sustained community
transmission of COVID-19, If you are located in a jurisdiction with sustained community
transmission of COVID-19 please also refer to the CDC Community Mitigation
Framework, as well as your local jurisdiction's guidance and governmental orders for
additional information.
c) Potentially Exposed but Develops Symptoms: If the self-monitoring employee develops
symptoms, they must immediately isolate themselves from others (going home if they are
at work), and contact their medical professional, who will provide guidance and assess the
need for testing them for COVID-19.
2. Actions by Project Team:
a. Conduct a Risk Assessment of potentially exposed individuals (Teamwrkx employees,
subcontractors, visitors, etc.) per I.b above, and determine if the employee(s) should be
sent home or can stay at work. For locations that are experiencing sustained community
transmission of COVID-19 please also refer to the CDC Community Mitigation Framework, as
well as your local jurisdiction's guidance and governmental orders for additional
b. Determine the severity of other exposures: If an employee reports they may potentially
have been exposed to COVID-19, project leadership must report the situation to the onsite
COVID officer. Actions to be taken regarding potentially-exposed employees should follow
the CDC Decision Making flowchart below and the CDC chart at the end of this document
(please check the CDC exposure guidelines to confirm most current direction).
c. Who else could be affected? Identify other persons that may have had contact with the
employee by asking the employee and others who worked in the employee's area. Using
the Risk Assessment process set forth in 2a & 2b above, determine whether others need to
be sent home to self-monitor for 14 days.
d. Clean the Area: Work areas that were occupied or likely frequented by the employee must
be cleaned per CDC recommended standards. Common areas within the building, office or
jobsite should be cleaned as well. Coordinate with your local EHS leaders for help on the
"how" and "who" for the cleaning.