Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 62
temperature and/or symptom screening before entering. Delivery drivers,
vendors, and all others entering the facility are required to wear face
Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols
Perform thorough cleaning on high traffic areas such as break rooms,
lunch areas, and changing areas, and areas of ingress and egress
including, stairways and stairwells, handrails, elevators controls and
frequently disinfect commonly used surfaces, including, doorknobs,
toilets, handwashing facilities, etc.
Clean touchable surfaces between shifts or between users, whichever is
more frequent, including but not limited to working surfaces, tools,
handles and latches, and controls on stationary and mobile equipment,
including surfaces in the cabs of all vehicles.
Require workers to wash hands or use sanitizer between the use of shared
equipment, such as workstation tools, radios, time clocks, mobilized carts,
and other items and allow paid work time to do so.
Require that employer-owned and controlled equipment, such as hard
hats and any face shields, be sanitized at the end of each shift. Clean
and disinfect the inside of the equipment, then the outside, then wash
Encourage workers who own their own hard hats to follow the same
cleaning protocol and provide the proper cleaning and sanitation
products. Allow paid work time to complete such cleaning.
Avoid sharing phones, office supplies, other work tools, or handheld
mobile communications equipment wherever possible. Individuallyassigned peripheral equipment (keyboards, handsets, headsets, chairs,
etc.) should be provided wherever possible. If necessary, clean and
disinfect them before and after each use. Never share PPE.
Ensure that sanitary facilities stay operational and stocked at all times
and provide additional soap, paper towels, and hand sanitizer when
Provide additional sanitary facilities (including portable toilets and
handwashing stations) if feasible and necessary to maintain physical
distancing during scheduled breaks.
Install hands-free devices, if possible, including motion sensor sinks, soap
dispensers, sanitizer dispensers, and paper towel dispensers.