Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 6
COVID-19 Project Response Plan
This document identifies Teamwrkx current protocols for planning and reacting to circumstances
related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health crisis, and describes escalation protocols for the
following cases:
Stage 1: Sick employee on site either on Teamwrkx team or wider client/subcontractor team.
Stage 2: Site team has been requested by the client to reduce site staff to only the essential
Stage 3: Site team has been directed by client or public health authorities to shut down the project,
Teamwrkx has decided to temporarily suspend work and demobilize from the project.
This Response Plan considers the local County orders and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance
and is subject to change as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve.
Teamwrkx Project Sites: All Teamwrkx projects must follow the Teamwrkx COVID-19 Protocols for
project sites at all times during the COVID-19 crisis. The purpose of this Response Plan is to provide
instructions for reacting to the specific Stage situations defined above.
Stage 1: Sick or Potentially Exposed Teamwrkx Employee on Site
Teamwrkx Construction cares deeply about the health, safety, and well-being of our people; this
includes our project teams, their families, customers, trade partners, and communities. The decisions
we make during a time of public crisis, such as the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), are with the intent
that we want to do what is best for our people, teams, and business.
Communication – Teamwrkx will be forthcoming with as much information as possible without violating
the privacy of an individual that has potentially been exposed to COVID-19. Depending upon the
likelihood of exposure (within six feet of someone who is infected for at least ten minutes), Teamwrkx
project team will work with local business unit leadership to determine appropriate level of
The following are current recommendations for responding to sick employees or potential exposure to
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19):
1. Actions by the Sick or Potentially Exposed Employee:
a) With Symptoms: The CDC recommends that employees who appear to have potential
COVID-19 symptoms as identified by the CDC (i.e. Fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills,
muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell) upon arrival at work, or present
with such symptoms during the day, are to be immediately isolated from other employees
and sent home. The affected employee should contact their medical professional to seek
further guidance regarding their health situation and potential testing for COVID-19.
b) Potentially exposed but no symptoms: If an employee reports a direct or indirect potential
exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, the employee must use the