Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 44
Project Site: ________________________________________
Safety Requirements for Prevention & Mitigation of COVID-19
Items required from all workers/ trades on the _____________________ site:
1) I understand the symptoms of COVID-19. Fever, cough, shortness of breath.
2) If I am sick, do not feel well, or have any of the COVID-19 symptoms, I will
not come to work. If I begin to feel sick while at work, I will immediately notify
my supervisor.
3) I will sanitize/ disinfect any shared equipment (tools, scissor lift, etc.) before
and after I use it.
4) I will follow all CDC social distancing recommendations as it applies to my
scope of work.
a. Stay at minimum 6 feet away from all other workers.
b. Cover any cough or sneeze with tissue or elbow.
5) If my work requires me to work less than 6 feet from any other worker, I will
wear a mask (nuisance dust only) and gloves.
6) I will limit occupancy of the manlift to 6 persons or less, including myself.
7) I will include COVID-19 precautions and safe-work practices on my daily PreTask Plan.
Employee Name:
Date: _________
Signature: __________________________________________________
*SIGN IN SHEETS — Use our own pen and leave sign in sheet in one location to reduce