Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 4
5) Except for safety and Plan compliance meetings, all gatherings and meetings (i.e. breaks, lunches,
eating, etc.) are prohibited. Safety/Compliance meetings must be limited to groups of 10 or less
and spaced with a distance of 6' minimum. Distancing guidelines will be discussed each day as part
of daily huddles and pre-task plan sessions. Project Teams with foremen & leads should be
especially observant to the condition of the craft to ensure everyone is mentally and physically well.
6) Break and eating areas will be cleaned and disinfected before and after use, including shared
surfaces or scheduled in a manner that allows these guidelines to be followed. Minimum 6'
distancing applies to lines for food trucks. Food served or on display must be wrapped to protect
from contamination. Food trucks will not allow the use of shared condiments and will comply with
all applicable health codes. If necessary, Teamwrkx has the discretion to discontinue the use of food
trucks. The use of communal water jugs and ice will be discontinued unless teams can eliminate the
potential for virus transmission through these items.
7) Access to work areas to be set up in a manner to limit contact with surfaces and maintain a 6'
separation. Surfaces shall be cleaned and disinfected daily.
8) To the extent possible handwash and toilet areas will receive increased servicing.
9) All contractors should consider modifying means and methods to mitigate germ transmission via
tools (chop saws, skill saws, etc.) Some examples of mitigation include:
a) Single person assigned to a chop saw or workstations that they clean and disinfect before
and after to use.
b) Assign individual tool use for the entire day.
c) Clean and disinfect tools and work areas often per CDC guidelines.