Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 30
work activity does not resume until the noncompliance is fixed and the continuing
work is compliant with this Directive.
The remediation plan must be sent to the local permitting agency and a designated
County official within 5 calendar days of the JSAS’s discovery of the failure to
Translation for Non-English-Speaking Workers
The General Contractor must translate (and, where otherwise required, post) all of the
following documents as necessary to ensure that all non-English-speaking workers are
able to understand the documents:
The Notice for Workers and Visitors of Required Practices described in Paragraph
9 (on page 8).
The remediation plan described in Paragraph 13.a.iii.1 (on page 11).
Stay Informed
For answers to frequently asked questions about this industry and other topics, please see the
FAQ page. Please note that this Directive may be updated. For up-to-date information on the
Health Officer Order, visit the County Public Health Department’s website at