Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 3
Project Specific COVID-19 Guidelines
1) Display CDC and County mandated posters with current applicable recommendations and
guidelines in Spanish and English at all sites in areas regularly visible to craft employees.
2) This person (name) ______________________ (phone) ____________________ is designated for
this project site to discuss what steps should be taken if an employee feels ill or a member of their
household is displaying symptoms (COVID-19 Stage 1 Incident). All Teamwrkx employees, vendors
and subcontractors that are working on any Teamwrkx project site must notify their supervisors
immediately if they begin feeling ill or if someone in their household is sick. During this state of
emergency, employers are legally allowed to require employees to be symptom free in order to be
on the jobsite. Employees with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will be asked to immediately
leave the project and self-quarantine.
3) Teamwrkx will prescreen all individuals (Teamwrkx employees, subcontractors, visitors, etc.)
entering any Teamwrkx project site to ensure the safety of all. See Exhibit A to this Plan document
for the details of this process.
4) Federal, state, and local guidelines require maintaining a distance of 6' or more to be followed in all
work conditions. Part of the pre-task plan must involve planning work to allow this distancing,
except as noted below. If distances of 6' cannot be maintained, consider the following:
a) Is there equipment that can be used to avoid close interaction between employees?
b) Is there a way of eliminating the risk of transmission between Teamwrkx employees and
subcontractors by adding non-traditional barriers & PPE? If PPE (face shield or masks) is not
available or distancing impossible, the Teamwrkx project leadership team should be
c) Teamwrkx employees and subcontractors will be informed and regularly reminded to
immediately report to Teamwrkx if they are directed to perform a task that requires a
distance of less than 6' separation from another individual without the proper PPE provided
by their respective companies.
If a contractor performing work on a Teamwrkx project is not able to comply with the County and
CDC guidelines of 6' separation or the conditions mentioned above, they must immediately notify
Teamwrkx team so the project team can engage in scheduling and re-sequencing the project to allow
these distances between all trades.