Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 29
Develop a remediation plan;
If any non-compliance is identified, ensure that the remediation
plan is implemented, and post the remediation plan at all entrances
to the jobsite during the remediation period;
Stop any construction activity until the jobsite is back in
compliance; and
Report repeated non-compliance with this Directive to the
appropriate jobsite supervisors and the permitting agency for the
local government where the project is located.
The General Contractor is responsible for making sure the designated COVID-19
Supervisor takes all of these steps.
Jobsite Safety Accountability Supervisor (JSAS)
The General Contractor must assign a COVID-19 Third-Party Jobsite Safety
Accountability Supervisor (JSAS) for the jobsite. The JSAS may not be an employee of
the General Contractor. The JSAS must at a minimum hold an OSHA-30 certificate and
first-aid training, or equivalent credentials, from within the past 2 years. The JSAS must
be trained in the requirements in this Directive and the jobsite-specific Social Distancing
Protocol and must verify compliance with those requirements, including by visual
inspection and random interviews with workers. The JSAS must inspect the jobsite as
often as needed to ensure consistent compliance, but not less than once per week. The
JSAS must inspect the jobsite during normal construction hours.
The General Contractor must prominently post a sign at all entrances to the
jobsite visible to all workers and visitors that clearly identifies the JSAS for the
jobsite by name and providing their phone number and email address.
Within 7 calendar days of each jobsite visit, the JSAS must complete a written
assessment identifying any failure to comply with this Directive. The written
assessment must be copied, stored, and, produced upon request to the County or
local permitting agency.
If the JSAS discovers that a jobsite is not in compliance with this Directive and
the jobsite-specific Social Distancing Protocol, the JSAS must work with the
designated COVID-19 Supervisor to develop and implement a remediation plan.
The JSAS must coordinate with the designated COVID-19 Supervisor to prohibit
continuation of any work activity not in compliance with this Directive or the
jobsite-specific Social Distancing Protocol. The JSAS must make sure that the