Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 26
If possible, ensure workers eat their meals and take their breaks outdoors,
and maintain social distancing during meals and breaks.
Prohibit gatherings of any size on the jobsite (except for meetings required
by this Directive), including gatherings for breaks or eating. Sharing of
any food or beverage is strictly prohibited.
Cal-OSHA requires employers to provide water. Water must be provided
in single-serve containers.
Prohibit use of microwaves, water coolers, and other similar shared
Workers must:
Unless strictly necessary to carry out a job function, maintain at all times
at least 6-foot social distancing from fellow workers and all site visitors,
including delivery workers, design professionals and other project
consultants, government agency representatives (including building and
fire inspectors), and residents at residential construction sites.
Not carpool to and from the jobsite except with others living within the
same household unit, or if necessary because they have no alternative
means of transportation. If workers from different households must
carpool, they must wear face coverings while riding together in the same
vehicle, sit at the greatest distance possible, and maintain ventilation by
keeping windows open as feasible.
Notice for Workers and Visitors of Required Practices
The General Contractor must prominently post a notice at all entrances to the jobsite
visible to all workers and visitors instructing workers and visitors to do the following:
Do not touch your face with unwashed hands or with gloves.
If equipment is shared, it must be fully sanitized before and after each use.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time, or
use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces you touch often, such as work stations,
keyboards, telephones, handrails, machines, shared tools, elevator control buttons,
and doorknobs.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or cloth when you cough or sneeze, or