Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 24
Any worker, or any subcontractor, may file a complaint that the General
Contractor has not complied with the Order, this Directive, or the jobsite-specific
Social Distancing Protocol, or that the General Contractor has failed to require
others to comply. Complaints may be filed through the County Office of Labor
Standards Enforcement Advice Line (866-870-7725) or website
Designated COVID-19 Supervisor(s)
The General Contractor must designate a site-specific COVID-19 Supervisor or
Supervisors to enforce the jobsite-specific Social Distancing Protocol and this
Directive. The designated COVID-19 Supervisor(s) must be present at the jobsite
at all times during construction activities. The COVID-19 Supervisor may be an
on-site worker who is designated to serve in this role. The General Contractor
must prominently post a sign at all entrances to the jobsite clearly identifying the
COVID-19 Supervisor(s) by name and providing their phone number and email
The designated COVID-19 Supervisor(s) must review this Directive and the
jobsite-specific Social Distancing Protocol with all workers and other persons at
the jobsite. The General Contractor is responsible for making sure this occurs.
The COVID-19 Supervisor must monitor and ensure implementation at the jobsite
of all requirements in this Directive, the jobsite-specific Social Distancing
Protocol, and the Order.
Seal Off Area of Construction Project from Other Parts of Occupied Sites
Where construction work occurs within an occupied residential or commercial building,
all of the following rules apply:
Work areas must, to the extent feasible, be sealed off from the remainder of the
building (and from the remainder of the unit, if work is performed within a
residential unit) with physical barriers such as plastic sheeting or closed doors
sealed with tape.
If possible, workers must access the work area from entry/exit door(s) different
from the entry/exit door(s) used by residents or occupants accessing the remainder
of the building that is not under construction.
Available windows and/or doors must be used to ventilate the work area during
the workday and any other times work is performed.
If residents or occupants have access to the work area between workdays, the