Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 21
Density Limitation: All businesses must limit the number of people who may be inside
the facility at the same time. For staff members, the limit is 1 person per 250 gross
square feet of indoor facility space (this means total space, including areas open only to
staff like storage rooms). For members of the public, the limit is 1 person per 150 square
feet of space open to the public. The density requirements tell businesses how many
people (staff or clients) they can let inside the facility before another person leaves.
Children under 12 who are accompanying a parent or guardian do not count against the
limit, but everyone age 12 and over does. This Directive describes a limited exception
to the density limitation applicable only to construction project jobsites.
See the Order and the FAQ page for more details.
In addition to these general requirements applicable to all businesses under the Order,
construction projects must comply with the following directives.
Construction Projects on Own Residence Exempted
This Directive does not apply to construction projects where a person is performing construction
on their current residence alone or solely with members of their own household.
Rules for Single-Worker Construction Projects
This section lists the requirements for construction projects performed by only 1 worker, such as
someone who is working alone on a kitchen remodel project. This section for single-worker
projects does not apply to construction projects that involve multiple workers, even if only 1
worker is at the jobsite at any time; those projects must follow the Rules For All Construction
Projects, which are listed in the next section.
If the worker is working for a business, the worker must comply with the Social
Distancing Protocol of that business.
The worker must maintain 6 feet of social distance from all other people at all
times, including when entering and leaving the work area or building.
The worker must use and properly wear face coverings. In addition, the worker
must wear other personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate for use in
construction, including gloves, goggles, and/or face shields.
To the extent possible, the worker must seal off the work area so that there is a
barrier between the worker and any other people in the building. For example, a
worker performing construction in the hallway of a residence must install a barrier
(such as plastic sheeting) between the area where the worker is working and the
rest of the hallway.