Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 20
The Order Issued July 2
The Order imposes several restrictions on all businesses and activities to ensure that the County
stays as safe as possible, including but not limited to the following:
The Social Distancing Protocol: All businesses must fill out and submit the newest version of
the Social Distancing Protocol to the County using the online form, available here. The Protocol
is submitted under penalty of perjury, meaning that everything written on the form must be
truthful and accurate to the best of the signer’s knowledge, and submitting false information is a
crime. The Protocol must be distributed to all workers, and it must be accessible to all officials
who are enforcing the Order. Businesses are responsible for ensuring that workers understand
and are trained on Protocol requirements in a language that they understand. For any business
that only performs services for dispersed facilities or worksites that the business does not own or
operate, the business must complete a Social Distancing Protocol for its operation as a whole.
For any business that has a facility, but also provides services at dispersed facilities or worksites
that the business does not own or operate, the business must complete a Social Distancing
Protocol for its own facility and provide that Protocol to the owners or operators of any facility
where it operates.
Example: A construction company serves as a subcontractor on various jobsites
throughout the County and also operates a base facility within the County, where it
maintains its vehicles and equipment. The subcontractor must complete a Social
Distancing Protocol for its base facility. It must also distribute the Protocol to the
owners or operators of the jobsites to which it sends its workers. The subcontractor’s
workers must be given a copy of, be trained on, and comply with the measures in both
the subcontractor’s Social Distancing Protocol and the Social Distancing Protocol for
any jobsite at which they are performing work.
Signage: All businesses must print (1) an updated COVID-19 PREPARED Sign and (2)
a Social Distancing Protocol Visitor Information Sheet, and both must be posted
prominently at all facility entrances. These are available for printing after submission of
the Social Distancing Protocol online.
Businesses do not need to post these documents if they do not have their own facility
or worksite and only perform services for dispersed facilities or worksites that the
business does not own or operate.
Face Coverings: Everyone at a business facility or worksite must wear a face covering at
all times (except very young children, people for whom face coverings are medically
inadvisable, or for communication by or with people who are hearing impaired). Face
coverings must be worn even while working at a construction project. Workers do
not need to wear face covering if it would create a risk to the person related to their work,
in accordance with local, state, or federal workplace safety guidelines.