Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 19
*Please confirm that your facility and/or construction project jobsite may open under the
State Order. Where there is a difference between the local County Order and the State
Order, the more restrictive order must be followed. The State also has specific guidance for
certain facilities that must be followed in addition to this mandatory directive.*
Issued: July 7, 2020
Information on the State’s Order and State guidance is available at
While the construction industry is critical to ensuring a safe and sufficient supply of residential
and commercial space, construction work can also pose significant risks to public health due to
the COVID-19 pandemic. Because construction projects typically involve many workers
actively working on a jobsite at the same time, often in close proximity to one another or sharing
equipment, businesses and individuals performing and overseeing construction projects must
take extra precautions to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission for workers, visitors, and
others. This Directive applies to all construction projects, but the restrictions vary by the
size of the project, as specified below.
“Construction project” means any work (including a public works project) carried out in
connection with the construction, alteration, conversion, fitting-out, remodel, renovation,
refurbishment, demolition, decommissioning, or dismantling of a building or other structure; the
preparation of a physical site for any such activity; and education or training at which any such
activity is taught through onsite practice or experience. “Construction project” does not include
architectural, design, financial, or administrative work related to a construction project, unless
that work occurs at the construction jobsite. “Construction project” also does not include basic
repair or maintenance work, which means a repair or maintenance job that requires no more than
2 workers and no more than 2 days and that is not architecturally, financially, or administratively
associated with an active construction project.
This Directive explains how construction projects may operate. This Directive is mandatory, and
failure to follow it is a violation of the Health Officer’s Order issued on July 2, 2020 (“Order”).
Construction projects must comply with the Order and all requirements of this Directive.