Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 15
Current guidance based on community exposure, for asymptomatic persons exposed to persons with
known or suspected COVID-19 or possible COVID-19
Exposure to
Household member
Intimate partner
Individual providing care
in a household without
recommended infection
control precautions
Individual who has had
close contact (< 6 feet)**
for a prolonged period of
time ***
All U.S. residents, other than
those with a known risk
Recommended Precautions for the
Person with
• Stay home until 14 days after
symptomatic COVIDlast exposure and maintain social
19 during period
distance (at least 6 feet) from
from 48 hours before
others at all times
symptoms onset
• Self-monitor for symptoms
o Check temperature twice
until meets criteria
a day
for discontinuing
home isolation
o Watch for fever*, cough,
(can be a laboratoryor shortness of breath
confirmed disease or
• Avoid contact with people at
a clinically
higher risk for severe
compatible illness in
illness (unless they live in the
a state or territory
same home and had same
with widespread
• Follow CDC guidance if
symptoms develop
unrecognized COVID19 exposures in U.S.
Be alert for symptoms
o Watch for fever*, cough,
or shortness of breath
o Take temperature if
symptoms develop
Practice social distancing
o Maintain 6 feet of
distance from others
o Stay out of crowded
Follow CDC guidance if
symptoms develop