Infectious Disease Control Plan - COVID-19 - Flipbook - Page 14
Public Health Recommendations for Community-Related Exposure
The following updates CDC guidance for definitions and management of contacts of persons with
COVID-19 contained in “Public Health Recommendations after Travel from Areas with Potential Risk of
Exposure to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).” Separate guidance is available
for travelers and health care workers. See also Guidance for Essential Workers.
Public health recommendations have been updated to accommodate new scientific evidence, evolving
epidemiology and the need to simplify risk stratification. New recommendations are based on:
Growing evidence of transmission risk from infected persons without symptoms or before the onset
of recognized symptoms;
Increased community transmission in many parts of the country;
A need to communicate effectively to the general public and to simplify implementation for public
health authorities;
Limitations in access to COVID-19 testing and increasing number of cases diagnosed clinically
Continued focus on reducing transmission through social distancing of individuals in affected areas
Summary of Changes:
Changed risk strata descriptions – levels of risk have been reduced to simplify communications and
Changed period of exposure risk from “onset of symptoms” to “48 hours before symptom onset”
Added the definition of a contact to include exposure to a laboratory confirmed case as well as a
clinically compatible case in regions with widespread ongoing transmission
Removed “no risk” category and replaced with unknown risk to acknowledge that all persons in the
United States are at some risk of COVID-19 given the increases in community spread throughout the
United States.
Current guidance based on community exposure, for asymptomatic persons exposed to persons with
known or suspected COVID-19 or possible COVID-19
Travelers, health care workers and critical infrastructure workers should follow guidance that include
special consideration for these groups. CDC’s recommendations for community-related exposures are
provided below. Individuals should always follow guidance of the state and local authorities.